Images with other monsterBorgs in sight

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Images with other monsterBorgs in sight


For the detection of my competitors vehicles, I need some original race footage(view from the monsterBorgs cam) with other monsterBorgs on it (for avoidance purposes).

Could someone upload some images ?

Me too

Me too

And maybe a monsterborg on lane -2 during one lap and +2 for another one.

Otherwise, test sessions became recording sessions and players that encounter difficulties on the first session (no start, first lap not completed ...) , so the less experimented players , don t have a recording and the competition is harder than hard for them...

Access to many recording sessions could give a better balanced competition.

Arron Churchill
Arron Churchill's picture
Images for testing overtake logic

We are hoping to record some images today, this will be with several static MonsterBorgs and the recording robot running standard code. This will take some time, but I will put a blog post up with the images once we have some to show :)

Like any racing the more data you can record the better. I will not give too much away, but we had a few teams last series who kept recording detailed data past the initial testing rounds, even during races. This will give you the best idea as to what your code is doing, especially if it behaves in an unexpected way.

We would love to see some teams sharing this kind of data as well, but this is a competition and everyone can do what they want with data they have recorded. It would be a good idea to assume that anything we give out is the baseline and that teams can obtain better footage if they have recorded things themselves.

My aim is to take the same data and try and give some guidance / improvement to the existing overtaking logic. It is not clear how long this will take me, so it will still be worth working on your own improvements in case this ends up being too close to the next testing round!

Images for testing overtake logic


I share a parck of image from 1rst test session for unitary test (not recorded @ 30 FPS).

Not a big thing but it could be usefull for testing purpose.

Of course, no monsterborg.


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Arron Churchill
Arron Churchill's picture
New dataset

We took some good images from one of our MonsterBorgs earlier this evening, the footage is all on our blog here.

The images are all at the standard code settings of 160x120 at 30 FPS. It can be downloaded as a video file or a set of JPEGs.

For now all of the robots being avoided are stationary, like the challenge rounds. This should be a good starting point for testing detection code and getting a feel for what the MonsterBorg actually sees when racing.

Images for testing overtake logic

This is perfect Aaron :)

Thanks you !

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