version of open cv?

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crashmeplease's picture version of open cv?

Hello, I am having trouble running the simulation on my network, everything seems to load, says wait for go etc but nothing happens when i change the lights.

what i do notice is that I have this error;

Exception in thread Thread-8:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 801, in __bootstrap_inner
  File "./", line 255, in run
    frame = cv2.imdecode(frame, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR'
11:09:57.252507 WaitForGo()

So I was wondering if this is related? Is it a difference in open cv versions or have i missed a module. The Pi is a fresh version of raspbian stretch and full compiled opencv 3.3. I notice you have a recommended method of installation, are there module/version differences?

On a second note the Pi running the script seems to want to connect to, this ip is not on my network. Could it be that it does not find the server instead? I have changed the ip in the script to match my java simulation server.

I think the fastest method is

I think the fastest method is to format sdcard and follow this :

crashmeplease's picture
Agreed, I will go down this

Agreed, I will go down this route then we are all on the same page thanks.

Arron Churchill
Arron Churchill's picture
OpenCV version

Unfortunately they changed the names of a number of variables in OpenCV between the older (2.X) and newer (3.X) versions. These changes also affect some of the function calls slightly. It would be possible to update the code to run with the newer OpenCV, but we would need a custom setup SD card to run your code for the racing :)

The version of OpenCV installed on our SD cards appears to be (print cv2.__version__). Any 2.X version should work fine though.

The IP address for simulationIP should be set to the Java simulation server. The value is an old default, the latest code has as standard (same machine).

crashmeplease's picture
I will re-install everything

I will re-install everything as per the instructions given above, that should iron out any differences in open cv version. Yes it's a pain when the devs make minor changes to libraries and things like this..

As for the IP address, I had set the 127x to my server IP so don't understand why it was looking for I downloaded the code a few days ago, I will have to find out the link location I was given, but is it possible that I have an old version of the code then?


And you got to specify the

And you got to specify the java server IP in

crashmeplease's picture
Yes I had already set the IP

Yes I had already set the IP in that file, thanks, just didn't understand the call to the

Arron Churchill
Arron Churchill's picture
IP address

By any chance are you entered into the RaceYourCode competition?

If so this would explain the connection to that machine. In the RaceYourCode setup this is the machine on our network which generates the live statistics view for the stream. Put simply the code is trying to send data to display to that IP address.

The IP address used for this is in the ipDisplay value inside On race day this needs to be so you can see the values, but for local testing you can either set this to a different address to view the values using, or simply ignore it. See the Guides\The scripts.txt file for more details.

crashmeplease's picture
By any chance are you entered

By any chance are you entered into the RaceYourCode competition?

Yes that's correct.

Ah that is good to know thanks. So I assume that if I do change any of the code that I must preserve these variables so everyone can see what the borg thinks is happening and trying to do..? Although in the time I have I doubt I'll be making any substantial changes like that!

Arron Churchill
Arron Churchill's picture
Variables for display

You can change them if you like, but we recommend that you keep them. Basically the display on the stream is mostly so that you can tell what is going on when the robots are racing.

All of the values are held in Globals.dataToSend, found in They are updated by the UpdateDataToSend function in

There are also three empty values which the code does not use, but will be displayed. They are user-1, user-2, and user-3 in Globals.dataToSend. They can contain numbers or text, whatever may be useful to know :)

crashmeplease's picture
You'll be glad to know it's

You'll be glad to know it's all running now using the recommended setup, thanks.

Good news, you can focus on

Good news, you can focus on the code now !

Arron Churchill
Arron Churchill's picture
Good to hear

I am happy to hear that you have it all working now :)

The messages with registration information and links should have come from, so make sure it is on your spam filter allow list. The email with the code links has the subject "Formula Pi: Standard Race Code access - added"

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