A few questions (upcoming changes)

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A few questions (upcoming changes)

Is Winter 2017 the first series where YetiBorg are replaced by MonsterBorgs?

Are the MonsterBorgs faster?

It seems to me that the YetiBorgs can run the track quite often at full speed. Will this be the same with the MonsterBorgs?

Will Formular Pi with the MonsterBorgs use the same track layout/size? (They are bigger)

I've never used python. But I want to go even more exotic (just an idea). As I understood I can send a SD card with an OS of my choice and I can choose the race code language. But can I do normal submissions of updates via ftp? Or do I have to send every time a new SD card?

Arron Churchill
Arron Churchill's picture
New changes

We are still finalising the updated rules and changes page, it will likely be online tomorrow :) In the meantime here are some quick answers to your questions.

We will be running both MonsterBorgs and YetiBorgs in the summer series, they will be separate competions.

MonsterBorgs are much faster, the standard lap time is around 23~24 seconds compared to YetiBorgs 28~30. They will be able to run around the track at their full speed like the YetiBorgs do.

We will be using the same track for both the YetiBorgs and MonsterBorgs. Five MonsterBorgs do actually fit on the start line :)

You only need to send us an SD card once. What happens is each week we ask for an upload of the /home/pi/formulapi folder zipped up to our FTP site. This is then used to overwrite the folder on the SD card we have and used for that race. There are more instructions for uploading as part of the standard code access.

Arron Churchill
Arron Churchill's picture
New rules are up

The updated rules are now up on the site :)

There is a summary of the changes on our blog: Rule changes for Summer 2017

The full rules are here. They include a more detailed explanation of what we require for custom SD card entries.

Thank you

I've already read them. Clarifies the code submission. The hint that the submission can even be an empty file was also helpful to understand the rule.

I ask a little bit more using the web form submission page but I think something went wrong. Did not generate any email.

So I do it here again:

- At the moment it is best to buy the Monster Borgs at Kickstarter, isn't it?
- I have to submit code before I have a Monster Borg at home if I understand the timetable correctly.
(quite hard, because I don't want to program in python ). Okay, of cause I can wait till winter, but....
- when will the standard code for the monster be available?


Arron Churchill
Arron Churchill's picture
Getting invloved

You are right, the best way to get a MonsterBorg at the moment is to back the Kickstarter. There is less than three days left now, so make sure you get in if you want to be in the first batch of MonsterBorgs :)

The summer series will start before MonsterBorgs start shipping unfortunately. We will attempt to ship them as soon as possible, but our aim is to ship them in June at the latest. There is a simulation provided for testing without a robot using a 3D model of the track and a model of how the robot behaves, but it is not perfect.

You can get your Formula Pi entry either as part of one of the Kickstarter rewards or directly from our website. With the Kickstarter rewards we will ask you if you want entry to the summer or winter series.

I am in the process of making the final tweaks to the standard code for the MonsterBorgs now :) It will be available to all entrants by the 10th April at the latest, but hopefully sooner.


pledge for 2 monster borgs :-)

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