Testing Round 0 lap times

If you have not already seen the runs from the testing session check them out below. Skip to about 59 minutes on the first video to get to the end of the break.
First day:

Second day:

Below are the final lap times from Testing Round 0 :)

Grand Pi

77 - Autologic

  1. 28.807762
  2. 26.892245
  3. 28.510443
  4. 27.055798

46 - Les roues carrées

  1. 28.156765
  2. 26.011884
  3. 24.878531
  4. 25.455142

72 - IQaudIO

  1. 25.908948
  2. 27.39165
  3. 27.500512
  4. 28.298852

71 - B-BOT

  1. 27.194764
  2. 27.588523
  3. 28.220858
  4. 28.401063


33 - The Hayler-Goodalls

  1. 17.197066
  2. 17.173356
  3. 17.329866
  4. 17.364517
  5. 17.475484
  6. 17.522393
  7. 17.628356

70 - Team Skye and the Mer-pups

  1. 18.583598
  2. 18.902659
  3. 18.513307
  4. 18.910692
  5. 19.102166
  6. 18.171696

28 - iHAV5

  1. 36.458797
  2. 53.922086

1 - Enigma

  1. 15.824925
  2. 16.06311
  3. 17.020765
  4. 16.291189
  5. 16.665616
  6. 16.216534

34 - Swinders

  1. 18.34979
  2. 18.331032
  3. 18.402481
  4. 18.529409
  5. 18.701212
  6. 18.666399

12 - Super Ward Bros

  1. 19.051188
  2. 19.804166
  3. 18.758106
  4. 19.644766
  5. 19.61471
  6. 19.290937

58 - MotoToastie

  1. 18.749354
  2. 19.148179
  3. 25.892201
  4. 19.369513
  5. 21.271789
  6. 20.062201

67 - The I.T. Guy

  1. 18.50987
  2. 18.609763
  3. 19.841248
  4. 19.404501
  5. 21.419183
  6. 21.442741

22 - RasPerras del Infierno

  1. 19.161973
  2. 18.88392
  3. 18.902168
  4. 16.971592
  5. 16.622794
  6. 16.764987
  7. 16.800777

74 - λ.π.racing

No laps :(

66 - ???

  1. 42.614643
  2. 39.984776
  3. 40.484564

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